
A list of links to every speaking gig or news clipping (I can remember)


  • EpiFusion talk for the Kraemer Group, Oxford
  • EpiFusion talk at the European Bioinformatics Institute and the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge
  • Irish Consulate Celebration of Women in STEM, Sao Paulo
  • iWish Celebration for Girls in STEM, Dublin










News Clippings

This list is very incomplete, but here are some links I was able to dig up from the past decade.

This website is mainly all about science and research, as that is what I am most known for. However, if you are really interested (you've made it to this page, anyway) below are some quick details about my other interests.


During my time in UCC I competed for the college trampoline gymnastics team. I also held the positions of first year rep, PRO, Captain and Welfare Officer during my time with the club, and in 2019 was awarded Club Person of the Year from the UCC Clubs Executive and UCC Sport. Later that year I won Student Sport Ireland's Leadership award. During this time I also became a qualified trampoline gymnastics coach and judge, and worked at Vortex Gymnastics Club in Glanmire.


I have always loved music, and started my journey by beginning violin lessons at the age of four years old. I later took up piano, and then taught myself guitar, ukelele, cajun, and some other instruments. I completed Grade 8 exams for violin and piano, and played in the County Cork Youth Orchestra for many years, eventually becoming coleader in 2015. Nowadays I love to write and produce music in my spare time.